Horizon / Les Petits Débrouillards

Les Petits Débrouillards


Lakevista Point and 45 St
Beaumont, AB


Monday to Friday
7am to 5pm

Children 0 to 5 years old welcome


Two snacks and lunch are provided

Our Space

Service Manager

Cynthia Ouimet
Manager of Les Petits Débrouillards

My name is Cynthia Ouimet, I’m 30 years old and I am the manager for Les Petits Débrouillards Dayhome.

I have a Level 1 Certification in Early Childhood since 2014 and I am currently in the process of getting my Level 2. I love improving my skills and love taking new classes and training. I am also the mother of a little girl and a two year old boy. My experience in early childhood includes 7 years of experience in francophone family day homes and two years in an early childhood centre.

I wish to offer an environment where the well-being, health, and safety of the children comes first. Depending on the age of each, I am committed to planning activities based on their needs and interests and putting in place different intervention methods to help the group function properly. I believe that every family and child are unique. Parents are their children’s primary educators and I will support them in their responsibilities. It is important to me to have a respectful relationship as much with the child as with the parent.

I am looking forward to meeting you!

Annual Calendar

Service Contract

Last update: November 2024


Lunch and two snacks (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) are provided.

It is possible to bring birthday cakes and prepared dishes during special events or celebrations on the condition that the list of ingredients is provided. Parents are responsible for warning the educator if their child has a special diet, an allergy, or a dietary restriction so that special precautions may be taken.

The dayhome is a nut-free and peanut-free zone.

Rest and Naps

Naps are part of the daily routine for children 0 to 5 years old. In order to respect the natural rhythm of the child and their needs, if the child falls asleep during the relaxation period, the service’s manager will let the child sleep.

This moment of rest allows the child’s brain to transfer new information learned into the region of the brain responsible for long term memory. It has been proven that children who take a nap after a new learning activity retain new knowledge better. Naps also have positive effects on the child’s mood. They reduce the frequency of tantrums, anxiety, and hyperactivity. Finally, naps are beneficial for health in general by reducing infections. In fact, a growth hormone is secreted during certain sleep phases. This increases immune system activity, among other things.

Children who do not fall asleep will have a relaxation period of at least 30 minutes. Following this rest period, the child will have access to various quiet games that respond to the child’s interests until the end of the rest period.

Rest schedule:

  • The rest period normally starts around 1pm and generally ends around 2:30pm, according to the sleep needs of the children.
  • The child wakes up at their own pace, in a progressive manner, and has access to various quiet games until the end of the rest


  • Items will be washed at the centre every week.
Child's Development Screening Tool

Twice per year, the centre educators use a developmental observation grid in order to identify the strengths and challenges of the child. These grids are based on the age of the children and essentially aim to provide a structured observation tool to give early childhood educators guidance to better orient intervention strategies that favour the development of the child. During planning, educators take into consideration the challenges of each child to put in place workshops that are adapted to their needs.

The Program
This dayhome educational service is part of the Fédération des parents francophones de l’Alberta’s agency in collaboration with the service’s manager. The primary objective is to allow each child to evolve as a distinct person and to grow in a francophone environment. Learning is done through play, based on the needs and interests of the children. Our vision of childhood pedagogy is based on “the image of the child as a powerful learner and a citizen”. The centre offers activities as a group, as workshops, as free play, and as collaborations with other partners to favour creativity and exploration. The program is inclusive and responds to the needs of all the children, including those with special needs. The child must feel accepted, at ease, and respected. We wish for each child to develop their self-confidence, acquire the autonomy they need, and find the answers within themselves to the difficulties they encounter.
The centre believes:
  • That children can learn to communicate in the French language and be supported in their growth and emotional, social, creative, cognitive, and physical development in an environment that favours active learning, autonomy, freedom, and the senses of responsibility and order.
  • That the children’s growth happens in strict collaboration with the parents and the educational staff. The centre favours learning and the children’s global development in an inclusive and multicultural environment.
  • That parents are the primary educators of their child. They have a responsibility to work in collaboration with the dayhome staff for the well-being of their child. By being part of the FPFA’s agency, the program aims to offer a quality service to francophone families in Alberta.
Pedagogical Framework

The educational program followed in our dayhome is that of Alberta, “FLIGHT: Alberta’s Early Learning and Care Framework”. An adequate environment is an essential element to the well-being of the child. This favours autonomy, the sens of initiative all while significantly diminishing interventions. It must be welcoming, clean, safe, well-ventilated, at a comfortable temperature, calm (moderate noise), well lit (natural light contributing to the development of the child’s biological clock) and spacious. Furthermore, the spaces must be functional and adapted to the age of each child, organised in such a way as to create a familial, convivial, stimulating, and warm atmosphere facilitating routines and transitions.

Planning Activities

In terms of pedagogy, we encourage the children’s learning experiences by ensuring flexible routines by offering open, engaging, and reactive environments where exploration and play are encouraged via suggested activities that are based on a predetermined educational intention. The environment is composed of different learning zones with the goal of provoking and sustaining the children’s interest in order to respond to their needs. It is adapted throughout the evolution of the children and reflects the different cultures and heritage of our francophone community, the languages and histories of the group’s families. We suggest activities in different formats to optimise learning such as activities in small or large groups, collaboration with peers or workshops and free play. We recognize the importance of offering long period of uninterrupted activity to favour their creativity, their intellectual curiosity and to allow them to surpass their own limits. Our activity planning process is based on the observation of the needs and interests of the children.

Physical and Outdoor Activities

Physical activity is an integral part of the child’s needs. In this sense, we offer play periods outside each day, as weather permits. (Please refer to the exterior temperature policy below) During gentler seasons, we prioritise outdoor activities as much as possible. The outside environment is a continuance of the program, therefore, proposed activities such as free play periods are offered and are appropriate for the age group. The programming sheet encourages staff to plan significant physical activities. We value outdoor activities such as spending time outside, making a garden and inventing imaginary worlds in nature through play. In Alberta, we may seize opportunities to discover the unique traits of each season and the changes in temperature and the light of day at different times. Valuing environmental durability is acquired through the transmission of a respect for nature and living beings, based on learning, observation, intervention and environmental concern, on land, in water, and in the air.

Parental Engagement

As the parent is their child’s primary educator, their engagement and involvement are an integral part of our values and our educational vision. Parents who wish it are always welcome in the service to accompany or lead activities. Certain activites that request the participation of parents are organised throughout the year (ex. excursions, special activities, celebrations, performances, featured parent, cooking activity, etc.) We also believe that parental engagement goes beyond in-class participation and our mission is to ensure that our families always feel included within our educational services. In order to offer parents opportunities to deepen their knowledge, informative workshops are offered several times per year. The various workshops will be shared throughout the year via the monthly newsletter and on the Agency’s website.

Grants and Subsidies

The Affordability Grant

Allocated based on the child’s age and automatically deducted from the monthly fees (Reduction column) in the table of fees.

The amount of the Affordability Grant is decided by the government. This is offered based on the number of days registered and the payable fees. A child registered part-time therefore benefits from the part-time Affordability Grant while a child registered full-time benefits from the full-time Affordability Grant.

This is not based on the number of hours the child is in the program but based on the number of days per week, and therefore the payable fees. Please refer to the fees table below to know what is considered full- and part-time.

Additional family subsidy

To receive the additional family subsidy, the family must apply online once their registration is confirmed. See below for more information. The subsidy is based on the family’s annual revenue, the parents’ situation and the number of hours completed in the center.

The amount offered for this is not fixed as it is based on the child’s attendance which is declared to the government each month, pulled from the hours entered in the center’s attendance tracking system.

ATTENTION, in your application, you must enter the official program name of the program your child is registered in along with the program number:

OFFICIAL PROGRAM NAME: Agence de Milieu educatif familial Francophone de l’Alberta

***It is very important to enter the correct information for each child, otherwise your child may not be declared in the correct program and adjustments will have to be made, which risks lengthening the process.***

To apply and for more information on how the subsidy works, please consult the Government of Alberta’s website by clicking the button below.


Registration fee

A payment of $50 (non-reimbursable) for opening the child’s file will be withdrawn with the first bill.

Safety Deposit

A payment of $200 (preschool and school) will be required during the child’s registration. This amount will appear on the first bill. This amount is reimbursable when the child leaves the centre if the parent respects the 30 days’ written notice and the account is balanced. In case of refusal to pay, the file will be sent to a collections agency.


For each payment with insufficient funds, a fine of $50/day will be added to the family’s account and must be paid in the time provided.

Late Payment Fee

For each late payment, a fine of $45/week will be added to the family’s account and must be paid in the time provided.

Late Fee for Parents Arriving After Opening Hours

When the parent is late and arrives to pick up their child after the centre is closed, a fee of 5$/minute late per child is applied. The centre manager will inform the FPFA. The FPFA will add the late fees to the following month’s invoice.

On-Demand Service

The fees for one single day of service on-demand are $55 per day.

0 to 19 months

Affordability Grant Category Days per week Fees Reduction (Subsidies) Monthly Fees
(after reductions)
Full-time 5 days/week $1105/month $487/month $618/month
Full-time 4 days/week $905/month $487/month $418/month
Part-time 3 days/week $805/month $175/month $630/month
Part-time 2 days/week $705/month $175/month $530/month
N/A Daily $55/day N/A $55/day

Note : Un octroi de 150$/enfant nommé Incentive Care Allowance est offert au responsable du milieu pour chaque enfant âgé entre 0 et 18 mois fréquentant le centre. Cet octroi n’est pas une réduction aux frais de garde de la famille mais une compensation à recevoir pour le milieu.

19 months to 3 years

Affordability Grant Category Days per week Fees Reduction (Subsidies) Monthly Fees
(after reductions)
Full-time 5 days/week $1105/month $452/month $653/month
Full-time 4 days/week $905/month $452/month $453/month
Part-time 3 days/week $805/month $162.50/month $642.50/month
Part-time 2 days/week $705/month $162.50/month $542.50/month
N/A Daily $55/day N/A $55/day

3 to 5 years

Affordability Grant Category Days per week Fees Reduction (Subsidies) Monthly Fees
(after reductions)
Full-time 5 days/week $1105/month $417/month $688/month
Full-time 4 days/week $905/month $417/month $488/month
Part-time 3 days/week $805/month $150/month $655/month
Part-time 2 days/week $705/month $150/month $555/month
N/A Daily $55/day N/A $55/day


If you are interested in registering your child, the next step is to fill out our form to share your interest with us and an agent of the FPFA will contact you ASAP!

If you would like more information, please contact us directly:

780-468-6934 | inscription@fpfa.ab.ca

Educational Service Profile


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