Horizon /
For parents

The Réseau des garderies francophones de l’Alberta has been created following a disappointing conclusion. Indeed, a significant number of Francophone parents are unable to find a place in a Francophone day care center for their child in Alberta. Following this observation, the FPFA decided to do a study on the subject that was funded by the Secretariat francophone de l’Alberta.
Study : Increasing the number of places in Francophone Daycare
Réseau des garderies francophones : summary of the situation
It is generally not easy for francophone parents to find institutions that their young children can attend (preschools, day care centres, specialized centres, etc.), since we live in an overwhelmingly English-speaking environment. With this reality in mind, FPFA provides its members with lists that allow parents to easier access to community resources without having to conduct time consuming and inefficient research.
Centre d’Expérience Préscolaire et Parascolaire CEPP
École publique Gabrielle-Roy
8728 93e Avenue
Tél: 780-461-9889
Prématernelle Manon
École Sainte-Jeanne-d’Arc
8505, 68A Rue NO
Edmonton (Alberta) T6C 0G9
Téléphone : 780 468-6934
Courriel : manon@centrenord.ab.ca
St. Albert
Centre d’Expérience Préscolaire et Parascolaire CEPP
Site: À L’Aventure (3-5 years old)
École La Mission
46 Heritage Drive
Tél: 780-468-6934
Centre d’Expérience Préscolaire et Parascolaire CEPP
Site: La Belle Nature (1-5 years old)
23 Akins Dr
St Albert, AB T8N 3B3
Tél: 780-468-6934
Les petits Explorateurs
École Sans-Frontières
4204, 54 Avenue
Lloydminster (Alberta) T9V 2R6
Téléphone : 780 875-0251
Courriel : commis@fpfa.ab.ca
Red Deer
Prématernelle Le Pays des jeux
École La Prairie
4810, 34e Rue
Red Deer (Alberta) T4N 4R6
Téléphone : 780 468-6934
Courriel : commis@fpfa.ab.ca
Prématernelle Les Coccinelles
École Saint-Christophe
214, 8e Rue
Wainwright (Alberta) T9W 2R2
Téléphone : 780 468-6934
Courriel : coccinelles@fpfa.ab.ca
Before and After School Program
Those programs provide more opportunities for children to learn and thrive in French. These programs are delivered through child care services and are intended for K-6 students. These programs are available from 7 am to 8:30 am and 3:30 pm to 6 pm – but the exact time may vary by school. These programs generally offer day care during school holidays and PD days.
Sherwood Park:
St. Albert:
To register on our waiting list, fill the form below.
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